You Just Acquired a Company and a Huge Unclaimed Property Liability. What Now?

Acquiring a new company is an immensely exciting time for the business doing so. It is a time of expansion and opportunity, allowing that business to serve more consumers over a greater distance. However, many businesses fail to realize when they acquire another company this is not the only type of growth they may exhibit. […]

Holders of Unclaimed Property Can Be Owners Too

When it comes to the world of unclaimed property, holders are any companies that report unclaimed property. In fact, the states they report unclaimed property to are the ones that refer to them by this term. However, many may not realize that holders can actually also be owners of unclaimed property. Owners are the individuals […]

Enhanced Customer Outreach

Financial institutions, in particular, value retaining deposit accounts. Therefore, it is important for financial institutions to constantly remain in contact with customers to not only maintain great customer service but also their accounts. Companies that wait to contact an account owner until the account qualifies for statutory unclaimed due diligence risk the account being inactive […]

Our Company Received an Unclaimed Property Audit Notice – Now What Do We Do?

In the world of unclaimed property reporting compliance, receiving a notice that the company will be subject to an audit is not only stressful but also often scary. However, these notices cannot simply be overlooked and ignored to deal with these unpleasant feelings. Instead, companies must take these audit notices seriously and do everything in […]

Online Gaming Creates a New Kind of Unclaimed Property

With the legalization of online gaming and sports betting across the country, a whole new type of unclaimed property has been generated that companies need to be aware of and understand. This new type of unclaimed property is referred to as an online account. Online accounts are where online gamers and sports bettors have their […]

Common Unclaimed Property Reporting Mistakes To Watch Out For

Reporting unclaimed property is an extremely intricate and oftentimes confusing process. This is especially true for holders of unclaimed property who do not specialize in the reporting process and attempt to complete it entirely on their own. Due to this process being so complex, it can be difficult for holders to even realize when and […]

Your Guide to Preparing for the Fall Unclaimed Property Reporting Cycle

The fall 2023 unclaimed property reporting cycle has arrived. That means it is time for businesses to ensure they have all their ducks in a row and are prepared to comply with all unclaimed property rules and regulations. While this may be a daunting and, at times, time-consuming process, taking the time to prepare now […]